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Velho 12-05-2011, 11:37
davidgomes davidgomes encontra-se desligado
Data de Adesão: May 2011
Mensagens: 1
Por Defeito "Ohh good here comes the mental people" by Scott Mills, BBC TV Presenter

Depois de assistir à versao inglesa do festival da eurovisão, fique perplexo com o comentário que o apresentador fez à prestação Portuguesa, "Ohh good here comes the mental people" by Scott Mills, BBC TV Presenter.

Tal como milhares de imigrantes Portugueses neste país, fiquei consternado com tal comentário e decidi reclamar directamente à BBC, e exigir um pedido oficial de desculpas.

Reclamação enviada:

"Scott Mills introduces the Portuguese participation in this years Eurovision song contest saying "Ohh good, here comes the mental people!"

I must say, completely and utterly regretful this commentary by the TV presenter. The lack of culture and information is more than remarkable through this type of commentary.

Thousands of Portuguese migrant workers in this country, like me and my wife, just stood perplexed watching the show, after such awful comment. The message is quite clear, they are a comedy act but also musicians, and they represent a all nation. For those that never experienced economic or professional difficulties throughout their lives, I can understand how hard it can be to just realize the true content of the message.

This act was chosen by a massive vote poll in Portugal, for the simplest of reasons, "we have had enough, enough of bad administration and corruption", and the Portuguese people has chosen this act to represent them and carry the message to the world.

Quoted from BBC website: "Homens da Luta" (Men of the Struggle) is a collective of singers performing traditional Portuguese music in an "interventionist" style.

Homens da Luta The band are inspired by the musical style common in the period after April 25, 1974 - the day of Portugal's "Carnation Revolution", when the longest-lasting dictatorship in Europe was overthrown in a bloodless coup. The band is led by the irrepressible Neto and Falâncio (brothers Nuno "Jel" and Vasco Duarte), and first appeared on TV five years ago in a comedy show. However, soon they were travelling through the cities, towns, and villages of Portugal, spreading their music and their sense of humour.

They bring to the 2011 Eurovision Song Contest a tune called "A Luta é Alegria" (The Struggle is Joy). It's inspired by the tradition of collective singing, which was so fashionable in the late 1970s, the golden age of the Eurovision.

I hope justice is done.
Yours truly,

Versão integral Inglesa no BBC iplayer, o comentário pode ser ouvido precisamente 1h15min do video:

E o incrível é que através do twitter um Portuguezinho qualquer com sentido de inferioridade pediu desculpas pela demonstraçao do seu País.... Ohh Neto acreditas nisto Pá? Como é possível alguém renegar o seu país e não ser patriota nestes momentos dificeis que o pais está a viver. À boa moda dos homens da luta, "A luta continua, abaixo os ignorantes e a hipocrisia" vamos espalhar a mensagem camaradas Pá.

Manif em frente à BBC em Londres Pá... "Struggle is Joy"

Última edição de davidgomes : 12-05-2011 às 11:48.
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